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Mike Harris's BlogFederation100Thursday, October 9, 2008 This is a different blog post from normal. I wanted to let people who read my web site know about something I am up to I and my collaborators have created an organisation called Federation100 . We are at the moment looking to work with companies in Europe each with a big vision for their business , a vision that not only delivers wealth but also makes a remarkable difference in the world. I meet many such people who ask my advice - either right at the start of their businesses or after a few years when they have reached an impasse - they have got so far but can't see how to get the breakthroughs they need to take the next steps toward their vision . What's missing , that would make a huge difference in my opinion is access to regular, affordable world class, results oriented coaching and in some cases facilitation of the provision of seed or growth finance from investors who share their vision. That's what we are trying to put in place with Federation100 - called that by the way because we intend work with the businesses in groups , groups where individual companies can spark off and support each other - a federation if you like. Our ambition for it, in a few years time, is to have a web site showcasing the 100 companies we will have worked with by then -each being a stunning success story. It's an initiative bang in line with my intention of inspiring innovation and entrepreneurship and it came about because two people read my book and took an idea which was working in Canada - shaped it and stretched it and turned it into something I could get behind. I'm working with Mynoo Blackbyrn who is the driving force behind this initiative . I've known Mynoo for many years as a serial entrepreneur and leadership coach. We are working together with Anarag Gupta. Anarag has been running an organisation called the difference engine in Vancouver. The difference engine is a group of 16 businesses who get together regularly to be coached by Anarag and share their insights with each other. Here is what Anarag has to say about it : We design and implement initiatives that produce previously unseen levels of performance and results. We are currently working in the areas of business, education, wellness and entertainment. Every project we design, or step into, generates exceptional exponential results, while at the same time causing transformation in the community and the world - hence everything becomes a difference engine. Here is what one client had to say about Anurag : What can I say: Every bit of advice and coaching Anurag has ever given me, be it personal or business, has made an immediate and lasting difference in my life. I can look back on so many instances where his support and assistance enabled me to achieve new levels of performance in my career, and new levels of connectedness and success in my relationships, with often immediate results. He is a gift and an asset to anyone willing and able to work with him and The Difference Engine. I highly recommend anyone who has ever had a dream for their business that looks unreachable get in contact with him right away. March 10, 2008 Jay Giraud (Salesperson / Sales Manager at Carter Honda / Carter Motorsports) worked with Anurag at The Difference Engine. We can quote many success stories from Anurag's work - here’s just two : Lululemon (a yoga apparel company) which grew from an idea to be listed on Nasdaq for 3 billion dollars, and at the other end of the scale, Panther, a construction company which in the last 7 months has grown its revenues from from $7 million to $18 million despite the recession in that industry. Anurag's philosophy is very similar to that I've outlined in the chapters in my book on Leadership, Brand, Culture and Hot Teams and Anarag will now be spending time working in Europe for Federation100. Mynoo and I will be adding workshops and practical help on the material covered in the other parts of my book - that is: idea shaping and stretching, funding and the planning and smart risk processes which lets you approach a big vision a doable step at a time. We have run many such workshops in the past and I think the most valuable thing people get from it is a clarity on what they are up to, on what really matters now and a clearing of the blind spots which will prevent their success. There is so much more to say and show and those of you coming to the business growth workshop on 25th November can grab me or Mynoo then to find out more. Anyone else who is interested please contact Mynoo by email. We will only be working with 15 companies and only those we are able to believe in. All I can say for now is that we have described the idea to five companies so far to try and get some design feedback and somewhat to our surprise four of them have asked if they can apply to join Federation100. Exclusive: Bill Gates agrees with Mike HarrisMonday, October 6, 2008 I spent last week talking about my book to over 1000 entrepreneurs in Bury (nr Manchester), Milton Keynes, London and Newport (S Wales) . As with the last event in London in July I was bowled over by the enthusiasm and passion people can bring to creating businesses and turning ideas into money. People were keen to hear my view on the economic crisis. I don't have any special insight but for what it's worth here is what I told them: 1.This is the seventh economic crisis I can remember since I started work in the city in 1970 2.The prediction of the end of the world and/or the end of capitalism was common to all of them 3.What was said in the eye of the storm (like now!) almost always turned out to be wrong and the crisis and its aftermath were only really understood long after the event 4.The one that scared me most was in the early 70s when the oil crisis (prices quadrupling over night) , combined with a banking crisis brought on by the collapse of commercial property values, coincided with a miners' strike, power cuts and a three day week, together with:rampant inflation and falling stock markets 5.Banks always get into trouble in recessions - it's just that this time global digital news and blog comment , 24 by 7, has caused panic and a liquidity crisis of vast proportions at mind boggling speed.Should the liquidity crisis cause a systemic failure in the financial system it would be much worse than a depression; the modern economy depends on global banking and global payments much more then it did even 10 years ago let alone 70 years ago;if the big banks fail everything fails 6.We are nowhere near there yet and the authorities would have to be outrageously inept to get us there from here; in fact given the scale, speed and unprecedented nature of the crisis I think they have done rather well so far and I expect there is much more to come; the banks will be secured. 7.People should nevertheless prepare for a significant downturn and a reduction in revenues over the next 18 months; it feels like a nasty recession comimg on , but not a decade long depression or worse 8. Recessions create great opportunities for innovation. It's like a forest fire - some trees are destroyed , but the ones left have more room to grow and there is room for many new shoots of growth. If you think about it Silicon Valley emerged in the great Amercian depression in the 1930s, The PC industry (Microsoft and Apple), the enterprise software industry (Oracle, SAP, Computer Associates) and Biotech all emerged in the 1970s recession and the dot com world came out the recssion in the early 90s. 9. Take heart from the fact that two of the most astute investors of modern times , Warren Buffet and Anthony Bolton both see buying opportunities in today's market and are putting their own money where their mouths are. To cap it all here is what Bill Gates just said (quoted in numerous news sources) "It's a very interesting crisis," said the founder of Microsoft, adding that the effect of the collapse of the subprime market needs "requires "some type of correction… but fundamentally ... companies' willingness to invest, right now we haven't seen a huge disruption in that." Responding to concerns about the US$700 billion bailout plan which US President George W. Bush signed last week, Gates surmised that "it doesn't look like fixing these problems is going to derail the economy in some dramatic way." Gates stressed that "the amount of innovation taking place, the amount of investment is actually greater today than ever," and said he believed this would be the answer to the current crisis. Buffet, Bolton, Gates and Harris might all be wrong of course! I suspect we shall see over the next couple of weeks. By the way there is another opportunity to hear me speak on innovation (and economic crises!) at the Foundation Forum on November 5th. Details follow: The Foundation Forum: Making Big Things Happen Wednesday November 5th 6:30 -8:30 The Foundation is a Strategic innovation consultancy consisiting of 15 people, with backgrounds in blue-chip consultancies, creative agencies, business, banking and ventures. We hold the Foundation Forums every 3 months as an opportunity to bring people together to discuss a topical subject and listen to/ be provoked by interesting speakers. Mike Harris will share with us his ideas for how to make big things happen (developed for his recent book ‘Find Your Lightbulb’) and will invite comment and ideas from the floor. The event is being held at The Art’s Club, 40 Dover Street in Mayfair, near the Ritz and Green Park tube station. We will be having drinks beforehand from 6:30pm, starting the discussion at 7pm, and then more drinks in the convivial Arts Club atmosphere from 8:15 to 9-ish. There is no charge for attending but please Sonia know if you are planning to attend by emailing sstuart@the-foundation.com as soon as possible. Nick CrossPartnerThe Foundation |
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