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Mike Harris's Blog

Strange things happen.....

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

...,when you get committed to something and make a big noise about it!

I said that one of my intentions in writing the book was to inspire innovation and entrepreneurship in the UK such that it became the envy of the world . A big game and one in which any one individual can only make a small difference.

But big games often attract others who are playing the same game or want to join yours.

So without me really doing anything about it I find myself going on tour for a week's worth of seminars for entrepreneurs. I did one of these in London in July and it worked really well and I'm repeating that in Edinburgh on 29th September.


Following that I'm teaming up with Roger Hamilton to run four seminars across the country in the next four days. Roger is a significant entrepreneur in his own right and has written a book about different styles of wealth creation which I found very insightful. The basic thesis is very similar to mine - you can't do it alone , you need to create a hot team. What I found particularly interesting was Roger's analysis of what sort of team different types of leaders need to build and what contribution they themselves need to make to their teams.


Finally Mynoo Blackbyrn ( http://www.findyourlightbulb.com/mike-harris/mynoo.html) and I are teaming up to run a one day Business Growth Workshop on 25th November. The background to this is that I have been approached to be part of a television program for entrepreneurs where I would try to transfer my approach to building businesses to entrepreneurs who are 'on the up and up'.

The 25th November event is a 1day pilot .


All of this without any conscious effort on my part . Lots of enthusiasm for the game but nothing else. It all happened because Mynoo and Daniel Priestley of Triumphant Events got excited at the prospect of leveraging the exercises in the book into a powerful support structure for would be entrepreneurs (business and social).

Never underestimate the power of enthusiasm and commitment!

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